Colors of Music
COLORS OF MUSIC v0.9 - #GJ+ #GameJamPlus2021
Samambaia Studios:
Ayrton Givi - Project Manager/Game Designer
José Fonseca - Programmer/Game Designer
Hugo Rabelo - Concept Artist/2D Artist
Mariana Cedraz - Concept Artist/2D Artist
Tatiane Genezio - Concept Artist/2D Artist
Rafael Monclá - Scrum Master/2D Artist
André Rente - Lead Sound Designer
Lucas Arban - Sound Designer
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil
> Description:
Colors of Music is a 2D top down (top camera) rhythm game with an arts and drawings theme. It is a rhythm game like others of the genre but with a little twist, where during the gameplay, the player must help our protagonist Hayka to color her drawings by collecting the corresponding colors needed to complete her paintings.
> History:
"Hayka is a girl who loves music, but she has a very unusual individuality. Unlike other children, Hayka doesn't dance to music, she draws. Just start playing a melody she wants to scribble all over the world! Every note it's a color, a scribble, a different stroke. Each song has an idea, a different thought, and she unleashes her creativity by drawing and scribbling with the colors of the music.
Let yourself be carried away by each note instead of Hayka, who saw colors in the music. Listen to every melody that made you want to color the world and watch it evolve as you, the player, progress through the game. See her tastes, desires, music, designs and colors change as she matures and game difficulty increases. It's up to you to help her move forward, following the rhythm and coloring her drawings with the colors of the music!"
> Controls:
DFJK -> Use to play the notes corresponding to your columns
Space bar -> Use to collect special notes and color the drawing (must be used together the key - DFJK - of the corresponding column)
> Themes chosen:
- Colors and paints
- Short and addictive
- Your kid will love it
> Diversifiers used:
- Jardim 3 (the game should resemble a child's drawing).
- Livro de colorir (the player must, through the mechanics, participate in the visual construction of the game).
> Descrição:
Colors of Music é um jogo de ritmo, 2D top down (câmera de cima), com temática de artes e desenhos. É um jogo de ritmo como outros do gênero porém com um pequeno twist, onde durante a gameplay, o jogador deve ajudar nossa protagonista Hayka a colorir seus desenhos coletando as cores correspondentes necessárias para concluir suas pinturas.
> História:
"Hayka é uma menina que adora música, mas ela tem uma individualidade bem incomum. Diferente de outras crianças, Hayka não dança ao ouvir música, e sim desenha. É só começar a tocar uma melodia que ela quer rabiscar o mundo todo! Cada nota é uma cor, um rabisco, traço diferente. Cada música uma ideia, um pensamento diferente, e ela solta sua criatividade desenhando e rabiscando com as cores da música.
Se deixe levar por cada nota no lugar de Hayka, que via na música cores. Escute cada melodia que a fazia querer traçar o mundo com cores e a veja evoluir na medida que você, o jogador, progride no jogo. Veja seus gostos, desejos, músicas, desenhos e cores mudarem a medida que ela amadurece e a dificuldade do jogo aumenta. Cabe a você ajuda-la a seguir em frente, seguindo o ritmo e colorindo seus desenhos com as cores da música!"
> Controles:
DFJK -> Use para tocar as notas correspondentes as suas colunas
Barra de espaço -> Use para coletar notas especiais e colorir o desenho (deve ser usada em conjunto a tecla - DFJK - da coluna correspondente)
> Temas escolhidos:
- Colors and paints
- Short and addictive
- Your kid will love it
> Diversificadores usados:
- Jardim 3 (o jogo deve se assemelhar a um desenho de criança).
- Livro de colorir (o jogador deve, através das mecânicas, participar da construção visual do jogo).
Samambaia Studios © - 2021 - #GJ+ #GameJamPlus2021
Status | Prototype |
Platforms | HTML5, Windows, macOS, Linux |
Rating | Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars (3 total ratings) |
Authors | rafaelmoncla, Hugo Rabelo Vaz, Ayrton Givi, José F. Neto |
Genre | Rhythm |
Made with | Unity |
Tags | Colorful, gamejamplus2021, gj |
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Great! This game is quite fun and interesting to play. Seems really polished but I was unable to figure out the aim of playing it. I kept on going ahead with everything right and reached nearly 4500 around but what's next? The progression seems to be lacking which makes this game boring. Also, the difficulty of the game should be ramping up slowly only after the player gets his hands on it nicely. However, overall a good game but there are some points you need to fix up to make this game super intuitive.
Hello and thanks for the feedback!
Due to the game being made during the GameJam, we sadly ran out of time to polish more of the game.
The rhythm aspect of it, the visual feedback to the player and others aspects. We thought about all of that but not everything in the prototype gets into the game when it comes to jams.
But we plan to keep updating it to make it a more polished and finished project in the future!
Thanks for your time!
- Ayrton
Samambaia Studios
That Sounds Great!
very good, I'm played and I recommend
obrigado pela avaliação, não entendo muito inglês mas certeza que foi algo bom! :)